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Dream About Losing Car

Dreaming about losing your car in a parking lot can be a sign of sexual frustration. Less often your car can represent a direction you are headed in. Losing Something Dream Meaning And Interpretations This dream is tenderness love nurturance and motherly love. Dream about losing car . Lets take an example of someone whose driving force in life is a steadfast ambition to succeed at all costs. Youre unable to access that energy to carry yourself forward. Through this dream your parking space has been used as a point for stealing. Dreaming of lost or losing keys are common dream symbols that focus on unpreparedness procrastination. Boundaries are being crossed. Losing or Lost Keys In Dream. The dream signals some situation in which time is running out. Adult versions of the same dream might find the dreamer searching for where he parked his car or trying to navigate his way through an unfamiliar city or building complex or endlessly searching for a report needed for ...