Rotating And Balancing Tires
To maximize tire tread life follow the recommended rotation schedule in your vehicle ownerss manual. We use a high speed computer balancer and add special weights to ensure that the tires are balanced. Make Tires Last Looooong Tire Rotation And Balance Secrets To rotate non-directional tires use the cross pattern. Rotating and balancing tires . We rotate all of your installed tires front to back and back to front according to the manufacturers specifications. Make sure you get the most from your investment in your new tires by keeping up with a maintenance schedule that includes tire rotation and tire balancing. When do I Need Tire Balancing. In general you should have your tires rotated and balanced every 6000 to 8000 miles. Tire Rotation and Tire Balancing. Balancing your tires makes sure that the combined weight of your wheel and tire are evenly distributed. By routinely rotating your tires every 3000 to 6000 miles you will evenly wear the tread on all four of ...