Fix Leaking Sunroof
Step 1 First clear the sunroof trough of any visible debris. Insert a Snake into Your Leaking Sunroof. Payless Glass Tells How To Fix A Leaking Sunroof In Langley Pour a small amount of water into the drain holes using a water bottle or plastic cup in order to determine where the leak originates. Fix leaking sunroof . The sunroof of the Land Rover offers a panoramic view to the occupants of the car and lets them enjoy the luxury of sitting in a Land Rover. Lets make that Weekend job less. OReilly Auto Parts has the tools equipment and knowledge to help you perform a leaky sunroof repair and stop a sunroof leak on most vehicles. Here are the steps a professional might take of how to fix a disconnected sunroof drain line. Few things are worse than getting into a car with a wet interior after a storm because your sunroof was leaking. When the 12-volt battery is disconnected or the moon roof does not close normally The moon roof must be initialized in order to ensure proper op...