
Showing posts with the label anti

Checking Anti Freeze

Use an antifreeze hydrometer. Antifreeze should be close to a 50 percent mixture depending on your climate and driving conditions. How To Check Antifreeze With Antifreeze Tester Youtube Checking coolant or antifreeze for beginners - YouTube. Checking anti freeze . The shadow of the coolant should be visible inside the bottle and ideally is going to fall in between the maximum and minimum levels. These indicate the maximum and minimum fill levels. There is no dipstick or another meter to tell you whether you have enough coolant in the radiator on these older vehicles. Look to your radiator cap overflow reservoir cap andor owners manual for the manufacturer recommendation as to which coolant your car. If you have driven the car a longer distance let the engine cool for several hours. You can see from the outside the markings on the side of the bottle. This is a safe and easy way to check the coolant and doesnt even require you to open anything. If it falls short of ...